Carenze Professionali

Progetto pilota  “SKILL SHORTAGE”

Call: @LIS – e.Learning

Proposta inviata ai WS APISEL – – in America Latina nel mese di maggio 2002 prodotta dal Dr. Gianni Rinaudo e rivista dal Prof.Paolo Manzelli

di Gianni Rinaudo








1) Riassunto.


Il LRE/ della Universita’ di Firenze vuole dare vita in modo cooperativo alla messa a punto di un modello di formazione permanente interattiva tra Europa ed America Latina sul tema delle CARENZE PROFESSIONALI (SKILL SHORTAGE) e la CONDIVISIONE DI CONOSCENZE ( SHARING KNOWLEDGE) per lo sviluppo delle SOCIETA’ della ECONOMIA della CONOSCENZA. ( KNOWLEDGE DRIVEN SOCIETY) . In tale ottica favorire lo sviluppo di strumenti apprendimento senza distanza innovativi e multilingue che favoriscano lo sviluppo di programmi di TSI ( INFORMATION SOCIETY TECHNOLOGY) nel rispetto della diversità culturale europea e latino americana ponendo a confronto diverse strategie di sviluppo delle tecnologie multimediali interattive che stanno evolvendosi. Passare da un sistema di Formazione a Distanza (FaD) ad un sistema di Formazione Permanente “Senza Distanza”, denominato “NET-Learning”. Quest’ ultimo e’ detto cosi’, proprio in quanto e’ basato sulla realizzazione di “Comunita’ Virtuali” interattive di autori (Corporate e.DUCATION), capaci di attuare una condivisione di intenti e competenze nella gestione di conoscenze su temi specifici e quindi di tradurre il prodotto educativo integrato, in “editoria elettronica multimendiale” (e.books) al fine di rispondere alla domanda di nuove professionalita’ necessarie allo sviluppo della “Societa’ della Economia della Conoscenza”. L’organizzazione di un modello pilota “NET-Learning” e’ sostanzialmente il risultato di una integrazione tra un sistema di formazione ed un sistema di consulenza specifica su domanda per la formazione/lavoro, ed e’ fortemente interattivo, in quanto non e’ semplicemente finalizzato alla trasmissione di conoscenze pregresse, come la FaD, ma piuttosto corrisponde alla elaborazione integrata di conoscenze “on line”, orientata a rispondere a specifiche richieste di gestione delle conoscenze, per vari livelli di domanda, organizzando la produzione elettronica per la formazione e la riqualificazione del lavoro intellettuale di specifici ” target ” , sia nell’ ambito di nuove professionalita’ emergenti (Skills Building) sia nel quadro del rinnovo delle competenze professionali in vari settori lavorativi (Competence Leveraging). Il “NET-Learning”, (co-organizzato sulla base di una forte interattivita’ nell’ ambito di una comunita’ professionale di differenti capacita e competenze “extended enterprise”) , vuol rendere piu’ efficace possibile la relazione tra domanda ed offerta formativa, su tematiche specifiche di rinnovamento delle conoscenze finalizzate allo sviluppo della innovazione della formazione/lavoro, attuando la necessaria elaborazione ed integrazione cognitiva, entro un “Laboratorio Virtuale di Ricerca e Sviluppo”, impegnato a produrre un sistema di editoria elettronica co-operativa di materiali di innovativi di apprendimento. Il “Net-.learning” si sviluppa proponendosi come sistema generatore di nuove strategie di investimento produttivo ( Learning Content Management Investment System) rispondente alle necessita contemporanee di formazione del “capitale umano” (Human Capital) piu’ appropriate alla dimensione del cambiamento dello sviluppo socio-economico contemporaneo ( Enterprise Resource Planning) , il quale transea dalla “societa’ industriale” alla “societa’ della economia della conoscenza”. Una distinzione tangibile tra il modello di “e.learning” di tipo FaD , e di “NET-Learning” si rileva proprio in proposito della utilizzazione del “Software ITC”, che nel caso delle FaD, comporta una forte spesa per la utilizzazione in sofisticate piattaforme tecnologiche, valutate in una prospettiva di investimento di tipo “Macro-economico”; mentre il “NET –Learning”, finalizzando le proprie attivita’ dalla quantita’ di istruzione verso la qualita’ della formazione professionale permanente , necessita di evitare alti livelli di spesa e quindi di rischio imprenditoriale e pertanto di preferenza si uniforma allo slogan : “Small Business for Big Ideas” , passando alla utilizzazione di tecnologie di formazione interattiva a basso costo, nell’ ambito di una prospettiva “micro-economica”, piu’ aderente ai ritmi del cambiamento della domanda di rinnovata elaborazione delle conoscenze manageriali. Proprio al fine di individuare una strategia ed i necessari “assets ” per la realizzazione di un sistema di “NET-Learning” a basso costo, il Laboratorio di Ricerca Educativa dell’Università di Firenze, ha focalizzato la sua attenzione sui temi della pluralità di rappresentazione della conoscenza e delle strategie di formazione ed apprendimento in rete telematica interattiva, finalizzato a produrre le basi cognitive essenziali per attuare una vasta collaborazione tesa verso la realizzazione diffusione ed utilizzazione di strategie di “NET-Learning”, riflettendo responsabilmente sul loro impatto, sia sulla formazione cerebrale dei giovani, che sullo svluppo socio-economico contemporaneo, in modo che la progettazione sia funzionale alla acquisizione di consapevolezza sulle nuove potenzialita’ di apprendimento nel contesto evolutivo delle nuove esigenze di creazione di nuove possibilita’ di lavoro intellettuale emergenti dallo sviluppo della Economia della Conoscenza. La progettazione Net-learning tra Europa ed America Latina sarà dedicata alla ricerca di modelli e profili professionali innovativi, per la gestione economica delle conoscenze (KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT) realizzando la costruzione di LABORATORI VIRTUALi di Sviluppo  tra SISTEMA SCOLASTICO FORMATIVO (Colleges ed Università, ecc..…) ed IMPRESA, in diversi paesi latinoamericani.
2)Obiettivi: – dare utile apporto formativo a riguardo delle neccessita’ socio economiche di sviluppo di ciascuna regione Latino Americana, rapportate con le realtà regionali dell’Europa, progettando con i partners LABORATORI VIRTUALI di  SVILUPPO tra SISTEMA SCOLASTICO e FORMATIVO (Colleges ed Università ..ecc…) ed IMPRESA, in America Latina; – sviluppo di “team-professions” capaci di cooperare in una vasta area di ricerca e sviluppo di professioni educative correlabili alle carenze professionali; – Individuare criteri di sviluppo co-operativo per la “KNOWLEDGE BASED ECONOMY” tra l’ Europa e l’ America Latina; – fare in modo che i risultati del modello realizzato e sperimentato dal progetto pilota abbiano possibilita’ di continuita’ auto-gestita, finanziariamente, al cessare del supporto economico della progettazione @LIS.
3) Benefici per gli abitanti dell’America Latina: I risultati attesi saranno:
– Migliorare la qualità delle professioni di insegnamento nel quadro della innovazione di sistemi di NET-WORKING e-LEARNING , – Promuovere iniziative di condivisione di conoscenza fra organizzazioni di formazione Europee a Latino Americane pubbliche e private. – Identificare e diffondere e consolidare la cooperazione e interrelazione fra Universita’ Colleges ed Enti di Formazione delle diverse regioni dell’Unione Europea e dell’America Latina. – Creare una struttura operativa di interscambio e cooperazione permanente e di elaborazione di strumenti di promozione cognitiva della Sociata’ della Economia della Conoscenza tra EUROPA ed AMERICA LATINA attraverso la creazione di un Laboratorio Virtuale di Ricerca e Sviluppo del NET-Learning collaborativo di per attuare per-Corsi on line di Formazione permanente finalizzati ad implementare in tutti i paesi partecipanti la collaborazione on line con altri gruppi economici, sociali, Università Colleges Centri di Ricerca ecc… favorendo l’ intescambio e la mobilita’ di esperti in Learning Content Management .
4)Profilo e compiti dei partners: Progetto pilota SKILL SHORTAGE @LIS – e.Learning
Coordinatore: LRE-EGO-CreaNET –Department of Chemistry –University of Florence Brief Description. LRE/EGO-CREANET is the acronym of the Laboratory Educational Research- University of Florence ( The Laboratory of Educational Research (LRE) has the charge (from 1985) of the Faculty of Sciences of the University in Florence (Italy) to develop partner’s among University, Schools and Enterprises, with the goal to improve the relationships of development between education and new job opportunities and enterprises for improving the economy of the Knowledge Society in the contemporary scenario. Therefore to the purpose to extend online innovative e.learning / activity, the LRE of the University in Florence has created the International Telematics no-Profit Association International EGO-CreaNET, i.e. a virtual community of “Brain e.workers”, improving the “Knowledge Society” in Science-Art & Net-economy educational fields. Following the above strategy the LRE –EGO-CreaNET is a new public/ private institution, selected among members of the transnational partnership, aiming to reinforce the development of life long training in internet , useful for developing new professions and to improve the interactive cultural and scientific on line growth. Such activities of EGO-CreaNET/LRE was initiated during the 1997 The Group of Operational Research of EGO-CreaNET/LRE (“Global Extended Observatory on Creativity Networking), is composed by voluntary researchers of the LRE/ of the University of Florence (Italy) to which are joined various sections of regional and/or international level of the EGO-CreaNE. Such autonomous sections in Italy are in Lombardia, Veneto, Romagna, Tuscany, Umbria, Campania and Puglia, and in the (1999) it was constituted a first international section in Lima in the Peru and more recently in San Luis (Argentina) . EGO-CreaNET International telematics Association is the Italian Representative of the following co-operative international enterprises: a) iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) : b) eXplora Europa- Schooling Prize-> c) Think-Quest Mondial Prize : Think Quest Italy—>
The principal WEB-Sites of EGO-CreaNet/LRE are the following: http://www.educazionevisiva.cjb.net
Le funzioni dell’organismo promotore sono:
– Pianificazione con i soci delle distinte attuazioni del progetto , Piano Operativo;   Gestione del progetto comune; Trasmissione di informazioni a tutti i partecipanti; – Predisposizione del Memorandum Of Undestanding e Firma del contratto di   sovvenzione con la Commissione europea e presentazione dei documenti alla Direzione   Generale del progetto; – Coordinamento dei lavori ATTRAVERSO incontri per via telematica ( NET-MEETING) ed in Presenza.
I partecipanti si occuperanno di implementare il progetto in ogni paese , il che implica:
– Selezionare le risorse ; Scambio di metodologie di e-learning ; Selezione di esperti;   stabilire ampi contatti con le università, imprese, associazioni nazionali ecc.. – Presentare e diffondere e disseminare nella propria lingia nazionale ufficialmente il   materiale promozionale nel WEB e tramite periodici incontri ;
I risultati del progetto saranno visibili grazie alla promozione e alla presentazione dell’esperienza su un apposito portale in Internet con mirrors in tutte le lingue dei pasesi aderenti.
“Potential Partners” preliminary adhesions ( until: 20/5/2002)

5) Parole chiave :

Networking e-LEARNING, Diversita’ Culturale, Formazione Permanente .
Commenti: Abbiamo aperto un Forum di Discussione sul progetto “SKILL SHORTAGE” in  con la password iniziale : pmegocrea






Proyecto piloto  “SKILL SHORTAGE” Call : a LIS – e. Learning 1)     Resumen: El LRE/ de la Universidad de Firenze quiere dar vida en forma cooperativa a la puesta a punto de un módelo de formación permanente interactiva entre Europa y America Latina sobre el tema de las CARENCIAS PROFESIONALES (SKILL SHOTOGE) y de la CONDIVISION DE CONOCIMIENTOS (SHARING KNOWLEDGE) para el desarrollo de las SOCIEDADES de la ECONOMIA de los CONOCIMIENTOS (KNOWLEDGE DRIVEN SOCIETY).
En tal modo que se pueda favorecer el desarrollo de los instrumentos de aprendizaje sin distancias, innovativos y multilingues que favorezcan el desarrollo de los programas de TSI (INFORMATION SOCIETY TECHNOLOGY) respetando las diferencias culturales entre europa y america látina, confrontando las distintas estratégias de desarrollo de las tecnologias multimediales interactivas que están evolucionando.
Pasar de un sistema de Formación a Distancia (FaD) a un sistema de Formación Permanente “Sin Distancias” , denominado “NET – Learning”. Este último lo denominamos así , ya que se basa en la realización de un “Comunidades Virtuales”interactivas de autores (Corporate e. DUCATION) , capaces de llevar a cabo una condivisión de intentos y competencias en la gestión de conocimientos sobre temas específicos y por lo tanto traducir el producto educativo integrado, en una « editorial eléctronica multimedial » (e.books,…) para poder responder a las demandas de nuevas profesionalidades necesarias para el desarrollo de la “Sociedad de la Economia del Conocimiento. “.
La organización de un módelo piloto “NET – Learning” es fondamentalmente el resultado de una integración entre un sistema de formación y un sistema de consulta especifica sobre demandas para la formación/trabajo, y es fuertemente interactivo, ya que no tiene como fin solo la transmisión de conocimientos pasados, como la FaD, sino que corresponde a la elaboración integrada de conocimientos “on line” , orientada a responder a peticiones especificas de gestión de conocimientos, para varios niveles de demandas, organizzando la producción electrónica para la formación y la recalificación del trabajo intelectual sobre especificos “target”, sea en el ambito de nuevas profesiones emergentes (Skills Building) sea en el cuadro de renovación de competencias profesionales en varios sectores laborativos (Competencias Leveraging).
El “NET – Learning” ( co-organizado sobre la base de una fuerte interactividad en el ambito de una comunidad profesional con diferentes capacidades y competencias “extended enterprise”), quiere dar más eficacia a la relación entre la demanda y oferta formativa, sobre temas especificos de renovación de los conocimientos finalizados al desarrollo de las innovaciones de la formación/trabajo, llevando a cabo la necesaria elaboración e integración cognitiva, dentro de un “ Laboratorio Virtual de Búsqueda y Desarrollo”, empeñado en producir un sistema de editoria electrónica co-operatica de materiales innovativos de aprendizaje.
El “NET- Learning” se desarrolla proponiendose como sistema generador de nuevas estrategias de inversión productivas (Learning Content Management Investment System) respondiendo a las necesidades contemporaneas de formación del “capital humano” (Human Capital) más contemporaneo (Enterprise Resource Planning), el cual pasa de la “sociedad industrial “ a la “sociedad” de la economia del conocimiento.
Una diferencia tangible entre el modelo de “e.learning” de tipo FaD, y el de “NET- Learning” se ve sobre todo en el proposito de la utilizacion del “Software ITC” que en el caso de la FaD, conlleva un fuerte gasto debido a la utilización de sofisticadas plataformas tecnológicas, evaluadas en una prospectiva de inversión de tipo “Macro-económico” , mientras el “NET- Learning”, finaliza sus propias actividades de la cantidad de instrucción a la calidad de la formación profesional permanente, necesita evitar altos niveles de gastos y por lo tanto de riesgo empresarial y preferencia nivelandose al slogan : “ Small Business for Big Ideas”, pasando a la utilización de tecnologias de formación interactivas a bajo precio, en el ámbito de una prospectiva “micro-económica”, más cercana a los ritmos de los cambios de la demanda de renovada elaboración de los conocimientos directivos.
Con el fin de individuar una estrategia y los necesarios “assets” para la realización de un sistema “NET- Learning” a bajo precio, el Laboratorio de búsqueda educativa de la Universidad de Firenze, ha focalizado su atención en temas sobre la pluralidad de representación del conocimiento y de las estrategias de formación y aprendizaje en red telemática interactiva, finalizado a producir las bases cognitivas esenciales para llevar a cabo una amplia colaboración hacia la realización difusión y utilización de estrategias de “NET- Learning”, reflejandose responsablemente sobre su impacto, sea en la formación cerebral de los jóvenes, que en el desarrollo socio-económico contemporaneo sobre las nuevas potencialidades de aprendizaje en el contexto evolutivo de las nuevas exigencias de creación de nuevas posibilidades de trabajo intelectual que emergen del desarrollo de la
La proyectación Net- Learning entre Europa y America Latina se dedicare a la búsqueda de modelos y perfiles profesionales innovativos, para la gestión económica de los conocimientos (KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT) realizzando la construcción de LABORATORIOS VIRTUALES DE R & S entre SISTEMA ESCOLAR Y FORMATIVO (Collages y Universidades..etc.) y EMPRESAS en dististos paises sudamericanos.
2) OBJETIVOS – dar una aportación formativa según las necesidades socio económicas de desarrollo de cada una de las regiones Latino Americanas , relacionandolas con las realidades regionales de Europa, proyectando con los partners LABORATORIOS VIRTUALES de R S entre SISTEMA ESCOLAR y FORMATIVO (Collages, Universidades, …etc.) y EMPRESAS , en America Latina;
– desarrollo de “team-professions” capaces de cooperar en una gran area de búsqueda y desarrollo de profesiones educativas en relación a la carencias profesionales
– Individuar criterios de desarrollo cooperativo para la « KNOWLEDGE BASED ECONOMY » entre Europa u America Latina.
– Consegir que los resultados del modelo realizado y experimentado del proyecto piloto tengan posibilidad de continuar financiandose autonomamente al terminar la ayuda economica del proyecto aLIS.
– Mejora de la calidad de las profesiones de enseñanza en el cuadro de las innovaciones de sistemas de NET _ WORKING e_ LEARNING ; – Promover iniciativas de condivisión de conocimientos entre organizaciones de formación Europeas y Latinoamericanas publicas y privadas. – Identificar y difundir consolidar la cooperación permante y la elaboración de instrumentos de promoción cognitivos de la Sociedad de la Economia de los Conocimientos entre EUROPA y AMERICA LATINA a traves de la creación de un LaboratorioVirtual de Búsqueda y Desarrollo del NET_Learning colaborativo para actuar PARA CURSOS on line de Formación Permanente finalizados a implantar en todos los paises participantes la colaboración on line cooperación con otros grupos económicos, sociales, Universidades Colleges Centros de Busqueda…..etc. favoreciendo el intercambio y la movilidad de expertos en Learning Content Management.
Proyecto piloto SKILL SHORTAGE aLIS – e.Learning Coordinatore LRE EGO CreaNET _ Department of Chemistry – University of Florence
Brief Description. LRE/EGO-CREANET is the acronym of the Laboratory Educational Research- University of Florence ( The Laboratory of Educational Research (LRE) has the charge (from 1985) of the Faculty of Sciences of the University in Florence (Italy) to develop partner’s among University, Schools and Enterprises, with the goal to improve the relationships of development between education and new job opportunities and enterprises for improving the economy of the Knowledge Society in the contemporary scenario. Therefore to the purpose to extend online innovative e.learning / activity, the LRE of the University in Florence has created the International Telematics no-Profit Association International EGO-CreaNET, i.e. a virtual community of “Brain e.workers”, improving the “Knowledge Society” in Science-Art & Net-economy educational fields. Following the above strategy the LRE –EGO-CreaNET is a new public/ private institution, selected among members of the transnational partnership, aiming to reinforce the development of life long training in internet , useful for developing new professions and to improve the interactive cultural and scientific on line growth. Such activities of EGO-CreaNET/LRE was initiated during the 1997 The Group of Operational Research of EGO-CreaNET/LRE (“Global Extended Observatory on Creativity Networking), is composed by voluntary researchers of the LRE/ of the University of Florence (Italy) to which are joined various sections of regional and/or international level of the EGO-CreaNE. Such autonomous sections in Italy are in Lombardia, Veneto, Romagna, Tuscany, Umbria, Campania and Puglia, and in the (1999) it was constituted a first international section in Lima in the Peru and more recently in San Luis (Argentina) . EGO-CreaNET International telematics Association is the Italian Representative of the following co-operative international enterprises: a) IEARN (International Education and Resource Network) : b) eXplora Europa- Schooling Prize-> c) Think-Quest Mondial Prize : Think Quest Italy—>
The principal WEB-Sites of EGO-CreaNet/LRE are the following: http://www.educazionevisiva.cjb.net
Las funciones del organismo promotor son. – Planificación con los socios de las diversas actuaciones del proyecto Plan Operativo – Gestión del proyecto comun ; transmisión de informaciones a todos los participantes – Predisposición del Memorandum Of Undestanding y Firma del contrato de subvención con la Comisión Europea y    presentación de   documentos a la Dirección General del proyecto ; – Coordinación de los trabajos encuentros por via telematica (NET_MEETING) y presenzia.
Los participantes se ocuparan de: – Implementar el proyecto en cada pais, lo que implica: Seleccionar los recursos, cambiarse las metodologias y el e-learning, seleccionar expertos, establecer amplios contactos con la universidad, empresas asociaciones nacionales ETC. _ Presentar y difundir diseminar en la propia lengua oficial el material de promación en el WEB a traves de periodicos encuentros.
Los resultados del Proyecto seran visibles gracias a la promoción y al presentación de la experiencia en su aposito portal en Internet con mirrors en todas las lenguas de los paises que han aderido.
5)Palabras clave : Networking e- LEARNING, diversidad cultural, formación Permanente
6)Comentarios: Hemos abierto un Forum de discusión sobre el Proyecto “SKILL SHORTAGE” Call:@ LIS – e.Learning en : http:/ Con la password inicial: pmegocrea.



Pilot Project “SKILL SHORTAGE” Call: @LIS – e.Learning 1)Summary: The LRE/ of Florence University wants create in cooperative way a setting of a model of permanent interactive learning between Europe and Latin America on the topic of SKILL SHORTAGE and SHARING KNOWLEDGE for the development of KNOWLEDGE DRIVEN SOCIETY. In this direction to foster development of learning tools without distance, innovative and multi-language that foster development of programs of TSI ( INFORMATION SPCIETY TECHNOLOGY ) respecting difference cultural European and Latin America comparing different development strategies of interactive multimedia technologies that are evolving. To proceed from a system of Learning at Distance to a system of Permanent Learning “Without Distance”, named “NET-Learning”. This last is named in this way, because is based realizing “Virtual Communities” interactive of authors ( Corporate e.DUCATION), able to realize sharing purposes and competences of managing knowledge on specific topics and therefore translate the integrate educational product, in “electronic multimedia publishing”/e.books…) to respond of the requirement of new skills needed to developing of Knowledge Driven Societies. The organization of a pilot model “NET-Learning” is really the result of a integration between a learning system and a system of specific consultancy on demand for forming/work, and it is strongly interactive, because is not simply finalized to transmit previous knowledge, as the FaD, but rather corresponds to integrate elaboration of “on line” knowledge, faced to respond to a specific needs of knowledge managing, on different request levels, organizing electronics production to form and to retrain the intellectual work of specific “target”, both in scope of new professional competence emerging (Skill Building) and in the sight to renew professional competences in various working sectors (Competence Leveraging). The NET-Learning, (co-organized based on strong interactivity in range of professional community of different capabilities and knowledge “extended enterprise”) wants make as effective as possible the relation between request and forming proposal, on specific themes of renew of knowledge finalized to develop of innovation of forming/working, effecting the needed elaboration and cognitive integration, into a “Virtual Laboratory of Research and Development”, committed to produce a system of electronic co-operative publishing of innovative learning materials. The “Net-.learning” develops proposing as a generator system of new strategies of productive investment ( Learning Content Management Investment System ) responding of actual needs of forming of “Human Capital” more fitting to dimension of changing of social-economical actual develop ( Enterprise Resource Planning ), that let it pass from “Industrial Society” to “Knowledge Driven Society”. A touchable distinction between a model of “e-learning” type FaD, and of “NET-Learning” is really noticeable about utilizing of “Software ITC”, that in case of FaD, involve a large expense to utilize sophisticated technologic platforms, evaluated in a prospective of investment “Macro-economic”, while the “NET-Learning”, finalizing own activities from the quantity of instruction to quality of professional permanent forming, needs to avoid high level of expense and therefore of entrepreneur risk and however preferably conform to slogan “Small Business for Big Ideas”, passing to employment of technologies of interactive formation low cost, in the range of “micro-economic” prospective , more adherent to pace of change of demand renovated elaboration of management knowledge. In order to locate a strategy and the needed “assets” to realize a system of “NET-Learning” low cost, the Laboratory of Educational Research of Florence University, has focused its attention on themes of plurality of representation of knowledge and of strategies of forming and learning in a telematics interactive network, finalized to produce main knowledge bases to implement a wide collaboration intent on to realize spreading and use of strategies of “NET-Learning”, reflecting in responsible way on their impact, both on cerebral forming of young people, and on actual social-economic growth, so that the planning is functional to acquire awareness on new learning potentialities in the evolutionary contest of new demands of creation of new possibilities of intellectual work emerging from the growth of ….. The Net-Learning planning, between Europe and Latin America will be dedicated to research models and professional innovative skills, for the economic knowledge management (KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT) realizing the building of VIRTUAL LABORATORIES of R&D between the EDUCATIONAL and FORMING SYSTEM (Colleges and Universities, ecc…) and ENTERPRISE, in several latin-american countries.
– give useful forming contribution regarding social economical needs of development in every Latin American Region, relating with the regional realities of Europe, planning with the partners, VIRTUAL LABORATORIES of R&D between the EDUCATIONAL and FORMING SYSTEM (Colleges and Universities, ecc…) and ENTERPRISE, in Latin America;
– developing “team professional” able to cooperate in a wide area of research and develop of educational occupations correlated of professional lacks.
– locate criteria of co-operative development for “KNOWLEDGE BASED ECONOMY” between Europe and Latin America
– arrange things so as that the results of the realized and experienced model by the pilot project have possibility of self-managed, financial, at the ending of economic support of planning @LIS. .
3)Advantage for residents of Latin America The expected results:
– To improve quality of learning occupation in scope of innovation of systems of NET-WORKING e-LEARNING
– To promote initiatives of knowledge sharing between forming organizations European and Latin American public and private.
-To identify and spread and consolidate cooperation and interrelation between University Colleges and Forming Agency of different regions of European Union and of Latin America.
-To create an operative structure of interchange and permanent cooperation and of processing of instruments of cognitive promotion of the knowledge driven society between EUROPE and LATIN AMERICA creating a virtual laboratory of Research and Development of NET-Learning collaborative to implement on line COURSES of permanent forming finalized to implement in all the countries taking part the on line collaboration, cooperation with other economic and social groups, Universities Colleges, Research Centres etc …. supporting interchange and mobility of experts in Learning Content Management.

4) Partners Profile and assignments : Pilot project SKILL SHORTAGE @LIS – e.Learning
Coordinator: LRE-EGO-CreaNET –Department of Chemistry –University of Florence
Brief Description. LRE/EGO-CREANET is the acronym of the Laboratory Educational Research- University of Florence ( The Laboratory of Educational Research (LRE) has the charge (from 1985) of the Faculty of Sciences of the University in Florence (Italy) to develop partner’s among University, Schools and Enterprises, with the goal to improve the relationships of development between education and new job opportunities and enterprises for improving the economy of the Knowledge Society in the contemporary scenario. Therefore to the purpose to extend online innovative e.learning / activity, the LRE of the University in Florence has created the International Telematics no-Profit Association International EGO-CreaNET, i.e. a virtual community of “Brain e.workers”, improving the “Knowledge Society” in Science-Art & Net-economy educational fields. Following the above strategy the LRE –EGO-CreaNET is a new public/ private institution, selected among members of the transnational partnership, aiming to reinforce the development of life long training in internet , useful for developing new professions and to improve the interactive cultural and scientific on line growth. Such activities of EGO-CreaNET/LRE was initiated during the 1997 The Group of Operational Research of EGO-CreaNET/LRE (“Global Extended Observatory on Creativity Networking), is composed by voluntary researchers of the LRE/ of the University of Florence (Italy) to which are joined various sections of regional and/or international level of the EGO-CreaNE. Such autonomous sections in Italy are in Lombardia, Veneto, Romagna, Tuscany, Umbria, Campania and Puglia, and in the (1999) it was constituted a first international section in Lima in the Peru and more recently in San Luis (Argentina) . EGO-CreaNET International telematics Association is the Italian Representative of the following co-operative international enterprises: a) IEARN (International Education and Resource Network) : b) eXplora Europa- Schooling Prize-> c) Think-Quest Mondial Prize : Think Quest Italy—>
The principal WEB-Sites of EGO-CreaNet/LRE are the following: http://www.educazionevisiva.cjb.net

Functions of promoting organization are:
-Planning with the members of the distinct project realization, Operative Plan; -Common project planning; Common information transmission to all the participating; -Arrangement of Memorandum of Understanding and Signature of the subsidy contract with the European Committee and documents presentation to General Management of the project; -Coordination of the works, telematic meetings (NET-MEETING) and in Presence
The attendees will be involved in:
– To Implement the project in every country, that means: Resource selection; e-learning methodologies exchange: Experts selection; establish wide contacts with Universities, Enterprises, National Associations etc… – To present, spread and disseminate in the own national language officially the promotional material on the WEB and through recurring meetings;
The project results will be visible thanks to promotion and to presentation of the experience on a provided Internet Portal with mirrors in all the language of the supporter countries.

5)Keywords : Networking e-LEARNING, Cultural Diversity, Permanent Forming
Comments: We opened a discussion Forum on “SKILL SHORTAGE” project Call: @LIS – e.Learning in : with initial password : pmegocrea



in Eu-1- 0006 – Aceptada

EU-2-0004 Aceptada



Jornada de promoción de @LIS Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 13-14 de junio de 2002 Workshop para la promoción de los proyectos pilotos y de demonstración del programa @LIS

Ideas aceptadas

Gianni Rinaudo


LRE/EGO-CreaNET -UNIVERSITA’ FIRENZE Director of LRE // EGO-CreaNET Prof.PAOLO MANZELLI e.mail Proponente la pre-Proposta Progettuale @LIS Proyecto piloto Denominación “SKILL SHORTAGE” Call : a LIS – e. Learning

Jornada de promoción de @LIS San José, Costa Rica, 17-18 de junio de 2002 Workshop para la promoción de los proyectos pilotos y de demonstración del programa @LIS

PAOLO MANZELLI Education Research Laboratory EGO-CreaNET UNIVERSITA’ FIRENZE – ITALY LRE/EGO-CreaNET -UNIVERSITA’ FIRENZE Director of LRE // EGO-CreaNET Prof.PAOLO MANZELLI e.mail P.M. Gianni Rinaudo e.mail Proponente la pre-Proposta Progettuale @LIS Proyecto piloto Denominación “SKILL SHORTAGE” Call : a LIS – e. Learning


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